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I am a writer so all things about people, writing and books interests me.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Time spent

Before I can begin chapter 3 I need to do research about the campaigns of the First World War. I did this this morning before lunch. I would have liked to spend more time on it but I had to visit Hubby at the hospital by 2pm. I think I've got enough material to continue with the story of David being lost in action, possibly on the Somme. Will have to work it out.

Arriving home from the hospital at 4.30pm I was too tired to do anything but watch TV. Especially Dr Who. Good finale.

Bought another handbag yesterday. I must stop doing that. I have too many handbags and purses and no money to put in them - ah well!

It's very hot out today - for a change. Hope it's the same tomorrow when I go to lunch at B and M's. We can sit in the garden and Monty can have a high old time chasing imaginary rabbits on the lawn and under the hedge.

I have had face-ache the last couple of days only held at bay with paracetamol. Open windows in the taxi blew me to smithereens. Hope the ache doesn't get worse because of that. Gwen - stop whinging!

Poor Hubby, he's still agitated. He thinks Mam is still alive and asked after her. I played along. Why distress him with the truth. Maybe he'll be more settled when he goes back to St Martins.
When will that be I wonder?

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